Monday, May 26, 2014

Track of sorts, Velodrome ?

Lets see, I was just looking here and there on the internet and came across a photo from the air of a track like structure in the middle of the woods but not too far of the road where it wasn't going to be too  inaccessible.

 So I tried to do some research on what it was that I found but, came up with nothing.
 I then convinced one of my friends to accompany me on this adventure through the woods because you never know who or what might be lurking in the woods.

 We had nothing besides my 50lb dog and our phones with the satellite image to guide us, however we found that there was a nice trail that had been freshly mowed to venture down.

So were walking, taking photos as we go and found that there are signs that the trail had been graveled at one time.
Beautiful freshly cut trail or old road

This is on the trail on the way in
Then we find it, but I am not the only one who has discovered this forgotten treasure.
Velodrome ? turn 1
There are bike tracks and hoof prints in the algae growing on the concrete.
It is mostly clear of debris and vegetation.
 It was smaller then a track around a football field but not by much.
All made of concrete, it has a slope to it on the turns, by what degree I'm not sure, it was enough to notice.
It was probably about 6 feet wide maybe 7
The middle was all grown up, real bushy as so I could not go through without getting  scrapped up by the thorny vines.

We continue on, we find 2 make shift bridges over a creek that is mostly dried up. One is a culvert with dirt & gravel on top the second is   maybe a culvert then on top it has rocks, wood, then old school concrete with rock all in it. Time has caused it to crack apart and when I crossed over it a piece sunk in a little.
Home made Bridge system

? not sure what this was, its made of fiberglass
 We then found some remnants of some kind of foundation, a few pieces of concrete here and there and an old bird house that had fallen half apart high in a tree. Nothing else was there in the area. So we head back to the road. I was hoping that my truck was still at the gate and not down the road. So it was there waiting for the end of our adventure.
Looks something like a foundation 

This is Cotton, she is standing on top of the culvert.

So after all that, I went on the county website to find out who owns this land and what kind of structures used to be on it. All I found out (because the county that it is in still has the website from 1989) is that in 2002 there was a 1982 60x24 mobile home and a 1bath 2 bedroom wood frame building with minimal roof covering 47x19 and a third building that was for storage. The City bought the land in 2006 for $324,700 it was 6 acres of swamp and 7 acres of dry land. After that there is no other info.
All and all I am happy with the results of our find. I only wish I knew why this velodrome was built.